
Scheme development

Cross-city bus Phase 1 (city centre)

Consultation on Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) for traffic movements, bus lanes and parking on a number of city centre roads

Visit the BeHeard page:

The consultation ended on 10 March 2022


Cross-city bus Phase 2 (Moseley Road & Alcester Road Cross city bus)  

Consultation on Traffic Regulation Orders for traffic movements, bus lanes and parking on Moseley Road and Alcester Road and local side roads, Balsall Heath.

Visit the Be Heard page:

The consultation ended on 6 July 2022


Cross-city bus Phase 3 (Alcester Road South bus priority)

Consultation on the scheme proposal which comprises interventions between Maypole Lane in Druids Heath and Featherstone Road in Kings Heath including extended bus lanes, localised road widening, amendments to current traffic movements and amended parking restrictions.

To find out more and have your say visit BeHeard-

The consultation ended on 25 November 2022

Page updated 01 December 2022