

The Bristol Road Enhancement Scheme aims to deliver a number of measures through the Bristol Road Selly Oak local centre. These include:

  • re-configuring the existing road from four to two lanes
  • formalising on-street parking bays
  • the inclusion of a two-way segregated cycleway (separated from pedestrians and general traffic) that connects the existing A38 blue route to the Chapel Lane junction. This was recently upgraded as part of Selly Oak New Road (SONR) Phase 1B works.

In summer 2020, as part of the Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF) programme, measures including a 20mph speed limit through the Bristol Road local centre and a partial reduction of carriageway lanes from four to two in order to facilitate pop-up cycle measures were implemented with the aim of promoting recovery to local centres after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The final phase of SONR (Phase 1B) was completed in January 2021 and the city council now aims to deliver a high-quality, two-way segregated cycleway running through Selly Oak local centre via Aston Webb Boulevard and Grange Road to connect the blue A38 cycle lane to the Chapel Lane junction.