
Scheme layout

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Priory Road – A38 Bristol Road to A441 Pershore Road

The segregated cycle track extends along the northern footway between Bristol Rd and Pershore Rd with tactile paving to highlight the pedestrian and cycle areas and also at points along it’s length where pedestrians may need to cross the cycle track to access to/from other footways.

Junction of Pershore Road/Priory Road/Edgbaston Road

Tactile paving is present at each of the 4 pedestrian crossing points on each arm of this signalised junction. There are pedestrian push button control boxes on each arm, with associated rotating cones on the underside for visually impaired users.

Edgbaston Road from Pershore Road to end of the scheme at the toucan crossing near the junction with Cannon Hill Road

The segregated cycle track extends along the northern footway between Pershore Road and the vehicle entrance to Edgbaston Stadium. For the first section there is footway on either side of the cycle track, allowing access to the pedestrian crossing points at the junction on both Pershore Road and Edgbaston Road, and also to the bus stop on Edgbaston Road. Tactile paving is provided at points on this section of Edgbaston Road to cross the cycle track from one part of the footway to the other.

The cycle track then crosses Edgbaston Road to the southern footway which is existing shared use.

At the junction with The Ashes – the access to Aldi carpark and residential apartments, the existing crossing facility will be reconfigured with associated tactile paving and push button control boxes with rotating cones on the underside.

The footway will then be segregated for pedestrians and cyclists from the existing pedestrian crossing point near to the junction with Queen’s Ride with tactile paving indicating the segregation.

To the east of Queen’s Ride, the cycle track will join the carriageway on reallocated road space before re-joining the footway as shared use with pedestrians at the pedestrian/cycle entrance to Cannon Hill Park. There will be associated tactile paving at this point.