
Health visiting service children 2 to 5 years

Our Best Start for Life pages offer help and advice for parents and children from pregnancy up to the age of 5. On this page you will find information about health visits for young children from the age of 2 to 5.

Best Start for Life

On our Best Start for Life pages dedicated to the health visiting service you can also find more information helping families with children from 0 to 2.

Health visiting

Forward Steps Birmingham

Forward Steps is a provide health and wellbeing services for babies and children up to five years old. To find out more about health visits .

Birmingham Community Healthcare

BCH is a combined health visiting and voluntary agency partners early years’ service, who support all families across Birmingham with children upto the age of 5. for more details. 

Other support

Birmingham School Health Support Service

Birmingham School Health Support Service: Is accessible to all children who live in Birmingham and or attend a mainstream school in Birmingham (including those that are electively home educated). For more information visit the Birmingham School Health Support website.


Page last updated: 3 November 2023