

As the duty holder of a building, you are legally required to locate and manage asbestos in a building or premise for which you are responsible. It is now illegal to use asbestos when constructing or refurbishing a building, although in the past asbestos containing products were commonly used. Being exposed to asbestos fibres can lead to asbestos-related diseases, such as lung cancer.

We can help you manage asbestos by:

  • surveying your building to determine if asbestos is present. Management, refurbishment or demolition surveys can be organised depending on your specific building requirements.
  • sampling for fibres in the air. Undertaken to monitor and record the levels of respirable fibres in the air.
  • certification for re-occupation. Following the remediation of licensed asbestos materials, this certification is provided following independent assessment and air testing carried out by us to confirm the area(s) suitable for normal occupancy.
  • identifying if a material contains asbestos and the type of asbestos present. There are three main types of asbestos: chrysotile, amosite and crocidolite; which are usually known as white, brown and blue asbestos.
  • providing you with a detailed and UKAS compliant survey report outlining information on the location and condition of any asbestos materials found, with recommendations on how to manage or remove the asbestos containing materials.
  • assessing the risk from the type of asbestos found and advising you on how best to manage it. If required, we can project manage the safe removal of asbestos from your building using an approved licenced removal contractor.