
Air monitoring

Our services include sampling of asbestos fibres in the air and fibre counting to . We participate in the RICE Proficiency Testing scheme which is administered by HSL, and currently hold a category "A" rating.

Our mobile laboratories provide a 24 hour emergency call out service. We are able to carry out air monitoring and provide expert advice to manage incidents involving the unplanned release or damage of ACMs, services include:

  • 4 stage clearance certification
  • Personnel exposure certification
  • Fibre counting
  • Assurance certification
  • Reoccupation testing, reassurance and leak testing

accredited testing laboratories have the responsibility to independently validate the completeness of high risk works on ACMs and the fitness for reoccupation of those work areas.

Research conducted by HSE Asbestos Liaison Group revealed a significant majority of asbestos work areas where high risk asbestos containing materials have been removed or otherwise worked upon have not been left in a safe condition for the future occupants of the building.

of CAWR 2012 requires that employers who use laboratories to undertake air sampling and analysis of air samples should assure themselves that the laboratory conforms to the competence standard ISO/IEC 17025.

provides accreditation to organisations performing various types of testing and calibration.