
Council pledges to work with the residents of Druids Heath to develop a new masterplan for the estate

Published: Monday, 21st June 2021

Druids Heath residents are set to be given a greater say in the planned renewal of their south Birmingham housing estate

Druids Heath residents are set to be given a greater say in the planned renewal of their south Birmingham housing estate, with Council leader Cllr Ian Ward pledging to work with the community to develop a shared vision.

Druids Heath Estate is an investment priority for the Council who have been working over the previous 12 months with a Partnership Board to identify priorities for residents on the estate. The board has produced some good work and the Council acknowledges the time and effort all residents, stakeholders and partners have put into the board.

The next stage will be to appoint an external organisation with experience of engaging and empowering residents in major renewal schemes. This organisation will build on the already good work started by the residents through the Partnership Board. This will effectively engage a much wider group of residents in the development of a plan for the estate. Residents will then have the information they need to make the best choices about their own and their families futures and keep uncertainty to a minimum.

Speaking about the new plans Cllr Ward said ‘“This is about working with the local community and we are committed to ensuring residents have a hands-on role in the planned renewal of their neighbourhood. Our aim is to develop a shared vision for Druids Heath and to deliver sustainable development within the budget available.”

The new organisation will liaise and continue to build on existing relationships with residents, community groups, young people and other key stakeholders within Druids Heath. The organisation will work with residents and groups through social media, and a variety of ways including more meetings and talks, to gather information and develop each stage of the master plan design.

Now that restrictions are due to lift more events and sessions are planned with the community, to ensure residents can actively establish a vision and influence decisions about the future of their estate. This will include consulting on the master plan, commenting on planning applications, working with development partners and getting buy in for future decisions from across the whole community. Malcolm Nicholls Resident, Chair of HLB & Vice Chair of the Partnership Board has said of the new plans “I am looking forward to the next stage and getting on with producing a masterplan, delivering the regeneration for Druids Heath. I will continue to work with residents, stakeholders and Council Officers to achieve this”

The work will commence in August 2021 to establish a final vision for Druids Heath, continuing through to January 2022 when a masterplan will be submitted for Outline planning permission. Procurement of a partner[s] will then take place. Further design and development will result in a final application being submitted in 2022 and delivery will take place in mid-2023.