
Adult Social Care day centres consultation: 'Your day, Your say'

Our consultation called ‘Your day, Your say’ has closed.

About the consultation

The council wants the best quality of life for all its citizens. As a part of this, we are committed to improving our day centres for adults with disabilities, balanced with the need to be more efficient.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the way people access day centres changed significantly locally and nationally. Like many councils, we continue to face a significantly challenging financial situation and are required to make considerable budget savings across all our services.

While savings have been announced, no decisions have been made about what the day centres will look like in the future. The consultation outcomes will help inform decisions that will be taken by the council after it has ended in September 2024.

The consultation is aimed at ensuring the council’s Adult Social Care day centres provide appropriate support, in an appropriate setting that provides citizens with access to their local community, enabling them to thrive and reach their full potential.

The purpose of the consultation is to make sure that you have a chance to tell us your views on the day centre proposals.

To find out more about our consultation and how you can take part, we suggest that you read the 'Your day, Your say' consultation document, which includes frequently asked questions (FAQs):

‘Your day, Your say’ consultation document

'Your day, Your say' consultation document - easy read version

'Your day, Your say' consultation FAQs - 9 July 2024 - updated from question 60 onwards

'Your day, Your say' consultation FAQs - easy read version 2 - updated 9 July 2024

'Your day, Your say' consultation internal briefing - easy read version

'Your day, Your say consultation questionnaire - easy read version

Day centres equality impact assessment (EIA) - June 2024

View all 'Your day, Your say' consultation downloads

Have your say

Our survey

The survey, which was available on BeHeard, has closed.

Our public meetings

The public consultation meetings, online and face-to-face, have closed.

Page last updated: 18 July 2024