
Co-option opportunities

There is potential for individuals to put themselves forward to be co-opted to either the academic or external advisory board for a specific thematic discussion session.

This allows individuals who have a specific expertise or interest in a thematic topic to join the discussions and help shape the recommendations without committing to the whole process.

Co-option involves participating in the board discussions on the specific theme reflecting on the evidence review and helping to shape the recommendations for the specific theme. This co-option ends at the point at which the recommendations enter public engagement phase.

If you would like to be considered for co-option for any of the up-coming themes, submit a covering letter setting out your specific interest and expertise in terms of the theme and a short CV by email to us.

The thematic reviews are listed below.

  • Wider determinants of health
  • Lifestyle factors
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Chronic disease
  • Acute disease and death