
Working Safely During COVID-19

Employers and businesses have taken significant steps over the pandemic to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 within their settings. The Government has now lifted the majority of legal requirements on businesses but continues to provide setting out the steps that employers can take to reduce risk in their workplaces.

What’s changed

The government has published its plan for .

This means:

  • You no longer have to work from home. You are advised to talk to your employer to agree arrangements.
  • You’re no longer legally required to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19. If you have any of the main symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test result, government advice is to stay at home and avoid contact with other people, following .
  • You’re no longer legally required to self-isolate if you’re an unvaccinated close contact, and you’re no longer advised to test for 7 days if you’re a fully vaccinated close contact.
  • Vaccination remains your best protection from getting seriously ill from COVID-19.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

The HSE continues to keep updated . This guidance is for employers, but employees may also find it useful.

1. Complete a risk assessment to manage the risk from COVID-19

From 1 April 2022, HSE no longer requires every business to consider COVID-19 in their risk assessment or to have specific measures in place. Employers should however continue to consider the needs of employees at greater risk from COVID-19, including those whose immune system means they are at

Employers that specifically work with COVID-19, such as laboratories, must .

Your risk assessment should include management of the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) in your business. This will help you to understand what you should do to work safely and continue to protect people during the pandemic.

For more information and advice on how to complete your risk assessment, you may find the following resources useful:

Your risk assessment should include an up-to-date plan in case there is another COVID-19 outbreak, and you should continue to inform the local authority through the鈥痗辞苍迟补肠迟迟谤补肠颈苍驳蔼产颈谤尘颈苍驳丑补尘.驳辞惫.耻办鈥痬ailbox, who will be able to offer support and guidance.

2. Keeping your workplace clean

Keeping your workplace clean and practicing frequent handwashing reduces the potential for COVID-19 to spread. It is a critical part of making and keeping your workplace safe.

3. Providing adequate ventilation during the pandemic

Good ventilation can help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. There are simple steps you can take to improve ventilation while maintaining a comfortable temperature in your workplace.

Any actions to improve ventilation should not compromise other aspects of safety and security (e.g. avoid propping open fire doors).

More information on

4. Communication

Although HSE will no longer require COVID-19 control measures, employers must continue to consult workers and their representatives on any changes they make that might affect health and safety.

You can find guidance on

5. Working from home

Although there is no longer a recommendation for employees to work from home, many businesses are continuing to choose to implement a work from home approach.

If your employees are working from home, you should:

  • Provide the equipment they need, for example a computer, phone and video conferencing facilities
  • Keep in regular contact with them, making sure you discuss their wellbeing

Find out more on .

More guidance and advice

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has鈥痑dditional information on