
Case study

Sadiq, known to everyone as Sid, has worked at Shelforce for a number of years. He is very experienced in window manufacture, from welding and cutting, to operating a saw gasket. Outside work, Sid enjoys reading books on history, politics and science and has ambitions to be a writer himself one day.

“I have received some excellent on the job training to enable me to carry out the different jobs. It’s a good place to work.” Sid, Shelforce employee

“Sid is fine to work with, and fits in well with our other employees. We employ 58 people with disabilities and as a supported factory we need to operate at an economic cost in order to continue to provide support to our employees. To do this we try operating like any other commercial business… the subsidies and support provided by Workstep have been a big help.

We now concentrate solely on the manufacture of PVC-u windows, which has proven to be very successful. We are aiming for a million plus turnover this year.

We have established a skills matrix at Shelforce, which means that employees can train each other in different aspects of the job, and this has helped contribute to efficiency.” Robert Chiles, Sid’s supervisor.