
Improving parks and open spaces

Our parks and open spaces are designed to meet the needs of the local community. We carry out major refurbishments and minor improvements when funding is available. Major projects are always carried out in consultation with the local community.

Your views are always welcome and will be taken into account when future work is carried out. All views are considered and prioritised by the local Parks Officer in consultation with the Local Councillors and park friends groups.

Decisions are based on the resources available and the amount of local community support for the improvements.

Surplus revenue (above the operating budget for the site in question) from car parking charges will be ring-fenced for the benefit of that park, as we look to safeguard and protect services and facilities within the park. We will use revenue for ongoing and future works to the park and car park.

Park friends groups

Many of our parks and open spaces are supported by groups of local residents who form “Friends of Parks” groups.

Friends groups support their local parks in many different ways, including:

  • carrying out practical tasks such as clean ups, habitat management, and tree planting
  • bidding for funds to make park improvements
  • letting us know what improvements are most important to the local community
  • promoting the value and benefits of open spaces
  • helping us with surveys and consultations

Friends groups are members of the (BOSF) which campaigns for better resources and recognition for parks. Visit the BOSF website to find out more about your local Friends Group.