
Public consultation on Birmingham libraries starts today

Published: Thursday, 4th April 2024

People in Birmingham are being invited to help shape the future of the library services in the city through a public consultation which includes online and in-person engagements.

The Birmingham libraries consultation will be running from Thursday 4th April 2024 until Wednesday 17th July 2024. The review of our library services aims to achieve greater efficiency and value for money, and the continuing provision of a library service. While savings have been announced, final decisions have not been made on what the library service will look like in the future; the public consultation will help inform any next steps. 

We want to work with local people to find flexible and sustainable ways of providing library services. The following information details the recommended options, a move away from our current 35 community libraries to a mixed delivery model of the following:

  • BCC run Community Library hubs open 5 days per week providing library and early intervention and prevention services
  • BCC Community Library hubs open part time hours providing library and early intervention and prevention services
  • BCC staff co-located with partners/community groups providing library services
  • Community groups running library services via Community Asset Transfer
  • Library of Birmingham 
  • Expansion of mobile provision
  • Prison Library
  • Virtual (digital) Library
  • Self Service
  • Libraries at Home Service

Based on current information on community interest and co-location opportunities, we estimate a combination of the council run and community-led provision might secure circa 25 building-based library services. This figure may change through the consultation as we gather more information.

Prior to taking part in the consultation, we highly encourage a review of the documents which have been produced, this includes the draft libraries strategy framework, a FAQ document and a consultation launch pack. This information, along can be found on the budget consultation webpage via the following link here: