
About the Birmingham and Solihull Export Support Programme (BASESP)

Combined logos for BCC, Solihull Council, Funded by Government, Levelling Up, and Business Growth West Midlands.

The programme is funded by the UK government through the UKSPF, which was established to:

  • create pride in place
  • increase life chances by investing in local communities
  • support local businesses, people and skills

Find out more about UKSPF

Through BASESP, grants are available to businesses looking to engage in new or enhanced export-readiness activity in overseas markets. The grant fund will do this by supporting 100% of the total eligible costs up to a maximum grant award of £6,000.

Businesses can submit more than one bid up to a combined total value of £6,000 subject to funding availability at the time.


This grant is open to small to medium enterprise (SME) based within the 彩霸王论坛 and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council local authority areas.

Businesses from all sectors are eligible for consideration, except for:

  • charities
  • those of a political or religious persuasion
  • any business activity that is illegal or deemed unsuitable for public support by 彩霸王论坛

BASESP is being used to encourage business growth by supporting projects that enable businesses to:

  • realise their exporting potential in existing and new markets, and to secure new international opportunities
  • connect businesses to the wider trade and export support network and facilitate introductions to new market opportunities
  • engage with overseas trade missions and connect to new market opportunities
  • increase the value of goods and/or services exported

This fund is open to business from B2B and B2C categories, however applications will be prioritised from businesses operating within the following sectors:

  • fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)
  • clean growth
  • automotive and future mobility
  • advanced manufacturing
  • health and life sciences
  • legal, finance and business services
  • food and drink
  • education and training
  • creative and digital

The types of activity we will look to support

The fund will support businesses to become 'export ready' by providing financial assistance for things such as:

  • market research
  • consultancy on intellectual property rights (IPR)
  • translation services/cultural advice
  • social media and search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • taking part in trade shows and overseas trade missions, to include appropriate and reasonable travel and accommodation costs
  • market development
  • routes to market
  • coaching and mentoring or meeting any training or upskilling requirements needed for a business to begin or recommence exporting
  • access to professional support
  • production of an export strategy
  • undertaking research into an overseas market
  • actively preparing a product or service for export

This list is not exhaustive. We are looking to support projects that enable business export growth and development, while also aligning with the fund objective.

Fund objective

Potential applicants will need to meet the following fund objective to be considered for grant funding:

  • increase export capabilities by supporting businesses to engage in 'new' or 'enhanced' export-readiness activities.

New means activity that was not carried out before the grant support.

Enhanced means additional activity to deepen or widen activity already underway.

Funding is limited and we cannot guarantee that all applications will be successful.

Apply for a grant

To support your application, Birmingham and Solihull based businesses will need to complete an expression of interest form and submit it to the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Growth Hub.

To request an expression of interest form, email the Growth Hub: bsgh@birmingham.gov.uk. Use 'Birmingham and Solihull Export Support Programme' in the email subject field.

When the Growth Hub receives your expression of interest, they will arrange a free business diagnostic appointment.

The diagnostic provides the Growth Hub with a summary of your company and your proposed activity. It is not the final support application form, which you must complete separately.

We strongly recommend that you check the eligibility criteria to make sure that you qualify for consideration before approaching a business advisor and completing a grant application.

Who to contact

If you would like to speak with one of our Growth Hub Business Advisors, email: bsgh@birmingham.gov.uk. Use 'Birmingham and Solihull Export Support Programme' in the email subject field.

Page last updated: 22 February 2024