

The toolkit organises interventions to address food injustice into five thematic sections, each one tackling a different aspect of the food system pathway. This section of the toolkit provides a summary of findings for each theme. Within each theme, you will find:

  • A high-level description of the theme, capturing its key concepts, principles, and goals.
  • An examination of the target population associated with the theme, identifying the individuals or communities most affected within that specific context.
  • An exploration of the diverse settings in which interventions related to the theme have been implemented, including urban, rural, other community settings, and various socio-economic and cultural landscapes.
  • Summary of facilitators and barriers encountered in implementing interventions within the theme – to help policymakers and practitioners navigate challenges and maximise positive outcomes.
  • Summary findings of systematic reviews of interventions, where known, related to the theme.

This section of the toolkit should be used in conjunction with the comprehensive intervention database, which provide valuable insights into the interventions implemented globally to address food insecurity and promote food justice. By combining the information and resources from the database with these high-level descriptions for each theme, you will gain a holistic understanding of the types of interventions that have been found to be effective in various countries and regions.

How to use the databases

The databases are designed in Excel to enable filtering and searching and are categorised into distinct tabs that provide both overarching summaries and in-depth details. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the thematic databases:

Intervention summary tabs by sub-theme

For each overarching theme in the database, there are dedicated summary tabs specific to various sub-themes, making your initial exploration focused and systematic.

  • Select the relevant sub-theme tab: Select the appropriate sub-theme tab that corresponds to your interest, for example 'Food Delivery' under the broader 'Food Supply and Distribution’ theme. All row headings should be frozen so when you scroll down you don’t lose sight of the headings.
  • Filter by geographical context: Within the selected sub-theme tab, use the columns for region, country, economy, and city/area to pinpoint interventions based on specific geographical markers.
  • Quick glance at the interventions: The short description column offers a concise overview of the intervention's core components.
  • Identify target populations: Understand the primary beneficiaries or groups targeted by the intervention using the target population column.
  • Review the impact: Within the impact(s) column, you can review the main outcomes or benefits derived from the intervention.
  • Links for deeper dive: The 'Link Intervention' and 'Link Studies' columns offer direct pathways to a comprehensive overview of the intervention and the related studies, respectively.

Full study details tab

Once you've gained a preliminary understanding from the summary tabs, for the full details consult the details - studies tab. Here you will find:

  • Study credentials: Study’s authors, publication year and title. The theme and sub-theme columns help you relate the study to broader narratives within food injustice.
  • Geographical specifics: Details the study's geographical setting through the region, country, economy, and city/area columns.
  • Deep dive into study insights: The columns detailing study aim, target population, size, year, design, and description offer a more detailed information on the study's scope and methodology.
  • Outcome evaluation: Where known this column provides information on the insecurity measurement tool column and subsequently the impact, acceptability, and other outcomes related to wider food system.

Efficiently using the database

  • Begin with the sub-theme summary tabs for initial insights and orientation, and progress to the Full Study Details Tab for more detailed exploration.
  • Harness Excel's filter feature to tailor the information display as per your specific research or interest needs.
  • Cross-reference between tabs using study titles or first authors to ensure a comprehensive grasp of interventions.

You can download thematic intervention database on the individual theme page or download the full intervention database that aggregates all the data across all themes and sub-themes. We recommend downloading an individual thematic database for ease of use.

Download the full food justice intervention database

Page last updated: 18 September 2023