
Privacy notice

彩霸王论坛 works with other health and social care organisations to share information that will form part of your Shared Care Record.

The Shared Care Record allows health and care professionals involved in your care to view your records. By viewing your records, professionals can understand your needs and make the best decisions with and for you.

Information we hold about you will be available to read only, to other health and care professionals when they are involved in your health or social care and are based in one of the following areas:

  • Birmingham and Solihull
  • Coventry and Warwickshire
  • Herefordshire and Worcestershire

This information sharing is subject to strict rules and safeguards about who sees your information and how it will be used.

If you do not want us to share your information in this way, you can exercise your right to object.

Be aware that this means none of your information can be shared with anyone. Before making this choice, speak with your social care worker, who will explain how this may affect you.

We will respect your choice, unless there are other safeguarding or legal reasons why we may have to share your information.

For more information on how your data is used on the Shared Care Record and how to exercise your rights, see the full

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Also, you can change your mind anytime, through the same process.

Read the 彩霸王论坛 privacy notice for more information about your rights.

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