
Culturally diverse healthy eating guides

The Food System Team at Public Health identified a major opportunity for Birmingham to both better support the diets of our culturally and ethnically diverse community and set the innovative standard for the world.

The EatWell Guide, which is a national tool to support people to eat a balanced and nutritious diet, was introduced in the UK in 2007 and has been a useful tool for many. However, the EatWell guide can be difficult for people to understand, hard to follow for daily guidance, and most importantly not very culturally diverse.

Our solution is to create the Culturally Diverse Healthy Eating Guides, that will provide tailored and easy to follow healthy eating guides and EatWell plates that are culturally diverse, demonstrating ingredients and diets from around the world. We will create seven Culturally Diverse Healthy Eating Guides based on geographical diets of European, African, Middle Eastern and North African, South Asian, East Asian, South American, and The Caribbean.

We have commissioned and will continue to collaborate with the Diverse Nutrition Association, to ensure that the diets and evidence we use for each of the seven guides is informed by those in the community and those with lived experience. .

In autumn, the initial evidence and data gathering will be complete and we will work with the Design and Marketing team to create the seven interactive guides for winter.

Page last updated: 29 August 2023