
Previous consultations

The Shaping Our City Together public consultation was launched in January 2021. This was followed up with a consultation on the Draft Central Birmingham Framework in summer 2023.

Draft Central Birmingham Framework 2040

A 12 week consultation on the Draft Central Birmingham Framework took place between May and August 2023. We sought views on the vision, aspirations and development opportunities identified in the draft framework.

View the draft framework and all other consultation documents

Over 330 comments and representations were made on the draft framework.

During the consultation, copies of the draft framework were available to view at 15 libraries and community centres across the city and on our online consultation web page. A series of in-person workshops and promotional events, as well as two online webinars, were held and these had a high attendance.

Promotional videos were produced to support the consultation on social media.

Shaping Our City Together (2021)

The Shaping Our City Together consultation was the start of the conversation on the future of Central Birmingham. The consultation ran for 8 weeks between January and March 2021. Over 150 comments were made on the document, helping to establish the priorities for the Central Birmingham Framework.

View the Central Birmingham 2040 Shaping Our City Together 2021 (screen version)

View the Central Birmingham 2040 Shaping Our City Together (print version)

View the Central Birmingham 2040 Shaping Our City Together 2021 (accessible version)

Page last updated: 21 May 2024