
Public consultation feedback

Feedback was received from public consultations held over 11 weeks, from 15 July 2021 to 29 September 2021. This feedback was obtained via a range of events to maximise community reach and help shape the masterplan.

As well as holding a range of targeted discussions, the programme included a series of webinars, 'Walk and Talk' tours, and drop-in sessions at the One Stop Shopping Centre.

Illustrative sketch of urban centre.

Approximately 120 individuals took part in a consultation event or public meeting, with contact made with nearly 600 members of the public at the drop-ins.

Feedback was captured through all engagement sessions and, more formally, via a survey on the council's online consultation portal BeHeard, as well as via a new interactive map-based platform, StoryMaps. Additionally, hard copies of the survey were available at local libraries.

Overall, feedback received from 80 formal responses shows strong support for the PB2040 masterplan.

To learn more about the consultation process and how public consultation informed the final masterplan, you can download

A Youth Engagement programme was also undertaken, with young people providing valuable feedback via 74 responses to a survey. This feedback provided insights on how young people see Perry Barr now and in years to come.