
Find out more

The key opportunities identified in the masterplan include:

  • Improving Perry Park and Perry Hall Park and opening up the River Tame Corridor to provide a green loop around Perry Barr, connecting onwards to other areas
  • Creating better pedestrian and active travel provisions across the area
  • Building new homes – especially delivering the rest of the Perry Barr Residential Scheme
  • Reusing the Bus Garage to provide a mixed-use commercial, cultural and community space to activate the new residential area
  • Creating a more diverse and attractive urban centre by:
    • Redeveloping the Stop Shopping Centre, working with existing tenants over time
    • Developing council owned sites at Birchfield Gateway to provide local centre and residential uses
  • Producing a sustainable future for the Alexander Stadium complex
  • Making opportunities for place activation, cultural, heritage and other activities which create a vibrant place
  • Reducing reliance on cars to create a healthier place and spreading the principles of the '15-minute neighbourhood'

'Perry Barr 2040: a vision for legacy' masterplan

'Perry Barr 2040: a vision for legacy' masterplan (accessible version)


All efforts have been made to ensure that the 'Perry Barr 2040: A Vision for Legacy' masterplan and associated documents have been made accessible to users of assistive technology. However, we recognise that this may not always meet everyone's requirements. If you need additional support in reading the contents of these documents, email us.

From the end of February 2022, you can view a copy of the PB2040 masterplan at one of your local libraries:

Alternative formats

Email us if you require the 'Perry Barr 2040: a vision for legacy' masterplan in an alternative format or have further queries.