
DPH Annual Report 2022 to 2023 - illustration competition

All Directors of Public Health in England have a statutory duty to produce an annual report on the health of local communities.

The chosen topic for the Birmingham DPH Annual Report 2022 to 2023 is the role that digital technology plays in the health and wellbeing of Birmingham’s residents, and on health inequalities.

Digital technology presents a significant opportunity to positively transform the delivery of health and care services, and the purpose of the report was to understand how digital technology can improve our health, but also recognise where it can potentially harm it.

The target audience was:

  • people who live, work, and study in Birmingham
  • The Association of Directors of Public Health
  • public health professionals and healthcare partners, for example, NHS

Three areas of focus

The report focussed on:

  • how the use of data-enabled digital technology can be used to proactively identify groups who would benefit from an intervention
  • how digital technology can be used as an intervention for behaviour change, including the benefits and detriments of social media
  • how digital technology can impact pre-existing inequalities, and how these can be overcome

Chapter titles and summaries

Chapter one: Digitalisation, Health and Social Care

This chapter looked at:

  • how people use digital technology to improve their own health and their attitudes towards it
  • how digital technology can be used to improve the health of the public in general, through interventions
  • examples from around Birmingham to show the local impact of interventions on health

Chapter two: Social Media and Health

This chapter:

  • looked at the positives and negatives of using social media as a tool to improve health
  • considered the use of social media for mass communication during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • looked at the impact of social media on mental wellbeing

Chapter three: Digitalisation and Data

This chapter talked about:

  • how health data can be used to find inequalities within the population
  • the potential benefits that using data and digital technology can bring when looking at a large and diverse population, like Birmingham.

Chapter four: Digital Exclusion

This chapter:

  • explored the issue of digital exclusion and how it can affect health and wellbeing
  • used real-life stories from Birmingham residents who are affected in different ways
  • looked at the problems residents face, and solutions to reduce these problems

Illustration competition

The report featured winning designs from the 2022 to 2023 DPH Annual Report illustration competition.

The winning designs were used on the front cover of the report, and to illustrate each of the chapters detailed above.

Download the winning designs for Annual Report illustration competition

Page last updated: 4 May 2023