
Aim and vision

As stated within the Terms of Reference, the aims and visions of the Forum are:

  1. To support the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board and report on activities of the Forum
  2. Foster and develop partnership arrangements to deliver improvements in health and wellbeing for citizens of Birmingham
  3. Working co-productively and collaboratively with our Stakeholders and Partners on delivering mental health and wellbeing services
  4. Engaging with organisation from the Third, Voluntary, Charity sectors, Faith groups, sporting organisations, and local community groups in supporting their work on mental health and wellbeing
  5. Collaborate with local and national organisation on best practice for supporting what is needed to maintain good mental health and wellbeing in our City
  6. Work at local level with groups and organisations to ensure their inclusion in decision-making, thereby giving them opportunities to take active roles in managing their mental health and wellbeing

Download the Terms of Reference