
What happens when we receive your application

  1. We will check that your application fee has been paid and the application contains all the necessary information. If neither of these two conditions are met then your application form will be returned to you as undetermined. Your application fee will be forfeit.
  2. Your application will be assessed against the considerations stated in the Street Trading Policy. We will send a copy of your application to appropriate consultees such as: West Midlands Police, West Midlands Fire Service, Highways Division, 彩霸王论坛, Transportation Division 彩霸王论坛, Transport for West Midlands, Planning Division 彩霸王论坛, Parks Division 彩霸王论坛, City Centre Management, 彩霸王论坛, Business Improvement Districts, relevant services at 彩霸王论坛 e.g. trading standards, environmental health, waste management etc., any other person or body deemed necessary.
    Information obtained from these people/ bodies will be considered during the application process and will help determine whether a consent should be granted.
  3. For applications received during the initial 6 week application period for consents for 2023 to 2024 we will inform applicants whether we are “minded to” grant or refuse the application.

We’ll send you a letter to let you know the final result of your application and you will need to provide the further documentation required before a consent is granted.

Page last updated: 14 April 2023