
How to set up a BID

The proposer of the BID can be:

  • anyone who pays business rates
  • the local authority
  • a person or company who owns property or has an interest in the BID area

Submit your proposal

The proposal should set out the services you need and the size and scope of the area you are proposing.

It should also set out:

  • who is responsible for the levy
  • the amount of levy businesses will pay
  • how you have calculated the levy

You also need to provide us with a business plan. This should include:

  • the estimated cash flow
  • the amount of revenue you predict the levy will generate
  • your arrangements for managing the BID finances

Ballot potential BID members

BIDs cannot last for longer than 5 years. After 5 years, the BID will automatically cease.

If the BID company wishes to continue its activities, it must hold a new ballot. This is known as a renewal ballot.

For the BID to be set up:

  • more than 50% of the votes cast must be in favour of the BID
  • the 'yes' vote must represent more than 50% of the total rateable value of votes cast – this is the open market rental value of all the properties where businesses voted in the ballot

The BID is established

If the vote is successful, then the BID goes ahead. Everyone who pays business rates within the local area must pay the levy, whether they voted for it in the ballot or not.

We will manage billing and collect the levy.

Page last updated: 3 October 2023