
What will my dropped kerb look like?

Dropped kerbs are constructed using grasscrete, tarmac, slabs, block paving or concrete. The vast majority are dropped kerbs constructed in tarmac, although we will choose materials and kerbs to match the majority of other dropped kerbs already in the road.

On narrow roads, the minimum width of the dropped kerb may need to be more than 2.75m

Different types of dropped kerb style

Photo of dropped kerb with dipped kerbs

Dipped style dropped kerb

Photo of dropped kerb in radius style

Radius style dropped kerb

Photo showing dropped kerb quadrant style

Quadrant style dropped kerb

Gradient requirements

A footway crossing will not be allowed where the parking area is of greater gradient than 1 in 10 (10%). This could cause difficulties for the driver entering and exiting the driveway, and reduce the visibility of pedestrians and vehicles on the highway. These gradients can also cause some vehicles to catch on the ground causing damage to both the vehicle and the highway.

The example photos below show how a steep frontage has been modified to meet our 1 in 10 minimum requirements.

A photo of a steep frontage and kerb before modification

A steep frontage before modification

Photo of dropped kerb after frontage modification

Dropped kerb after frontage modification

Page last updated: 30 May 2024