
Sign up for or renew your garden waste collection

When and how to sign up

You can sign up for the 2025 service from early January 2025.

You will need a BRUM account to sign up.

Sign up for a BRUM account if you do not have one.

How to pay

You can pay:

You have to pay by card.

How to cancel

You can cancel the service within 14 days of signing up. You will receive a full refund.

If you want to cancel, phone the contact centre on 0121 303 1112.

Moving house

Your collection is linked to your address. If you move house, you cannot transfer the collection to your new address.

If you move into a house that has an existing garden waste collection, this will continue until the collections finish for the year.

Terms and conditions

Read our terms and conditions for more information on our garden waste service.

Page last updated: 2 September 2024