
Birmingham Connected - Active Travel Autumn

Launch of the new Car Free School Streets

Three more schools have been added to Birmingham's Car Free School Streets programme. Brookvale Primary School, New Hall Primary School, and Penns Primary School joined the programme this September, making a total of 20 schools across the city.

By closing streets to motor traffic at the start and end of the school day, congestion is reduced, air quality is improved, and walking, scooting and cycling to school is made safer.

Cllr Liz Clements, Birmingham's Cabinet Member for Transport, commented:

“Streets surrounding schools are places where we put children and families first by keeping people safe and healthy and encouraging walking, wheeling, scooting, and cycling. We would like to thank everyone involved in these schemes and wish them all continued success.”

To support evidence-based decisions, an auditing process has recently been undertaken to assess suitability and prioritise locations for the future delivery of CFSS in Birmingham. View the report and find further information on the BCC website.

We are now inviting expressions of interest from any schools who would like to join the next phase of the Car Free School Streets programme in September 2024.

TravelWise Week

Despite the rainy weather, it was fantastic to see a variety of activities taking place across Birmingham during TravelWise Week (16 - 22 September). This included Green Travel information events, Dr Bike (bike maintenance) sessions, active travel challenges and competitions. Thank you to everyone who took part to promote walking, cycling and public transport!

During the week, Brindleyplace were awarded their Modeshift STARS Green travel plan award, recognising their ongoing commitment to encouraging sustainable travel for employees and visitors. The award was presented by Cllr Liz Clements during a TravelWise Week breakfast meeting. Congratulations to Brindleyplace!

Transport updates

Spring Hill bridge installation

Work on the latest phase of the A457 Dudley Road Improvement Scheme commenced in November 2022, with anticipated completion in Spring 2024. 

As part of these works, a new fabricated aluminium pedestrian and cycle footbridge is scheduled to be lifted into place adjacent to the southern side of Spring Hill canal bridge on Sunday 8 October. A road closure will be in place from 5pm between A4540 Middleway and Western Road. The bridge lift will take place around 6pm. If you wish to watch this take place, public viewing will be possible from the northern side of Spring Hill bridge.

Flood Alleviation Scheme, Pebble Mill Playing Fields

The Environment Agency is delivering a new flood risk management scheme to better protect properties in the area. This scheme will involve the construction of a new flood defence embankment within Pebble Mill playing fields. The footpath and cycle route in Pebble Mill playing fields (part of National Cycle Network Route 5) will be closed from 2 October until 10 November. A vehicle free diversion route has been identified, and signage for this will be in place. More confident cyclists may wish to use either Pershore Road or Moor Green Lane and Russell Road.

M6 works Junction 6 to 7

There will be a long term closure of the hard shoulder on both sides of the M6 between Junctions 6 & 7 which will result in reduced capacity. A 50mph speed limit will also be in place. These works will be in place until mid-2024. For further information on this visit  and the .

Plan your journey ahead of time and wherever possible to avoid experiencing congestion.

Public transport updates

Cross City Bus routes

Four new cross-city bus routes, designed to make services more reliable and attractive, are set to be developed following the award of £70 million funding! The routes will link communities across Birmingham and pave the way for genuine cross-city services, saving passengers time changing buses. 

Bus service changes

TfWM have announced details of bus services set to change from 29 October as part of the plan to protect the region’s bus network. Although the vast majority of the region’s 394 regular bus services remain unaffected – there will be changes to 32 services. Some will have timetable changes, some new operators and three services are to be withdrawn, due to low passenger numbers, higher operating costs and changes in travel patterns. A new service between will also run from Sunday 8 October. 

Latest rail strikes information

No rail services will run on Wednesday 4 October. In addition, ASLEF Union have also announced an overtime ban from Monday 2 to Friday 6 October. Rail passengers are reminded to plan ahead, and seek alternative methods of transport.

Active Travel Autumn

Autumn provides the perfect opportunity to walk, or hop on your bike to immerse yourself in the crisp autumnal air, and feel the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot.

showcases Birmingham’s green spaces in a creative schematic walking network. The map includes an array of green spaces, connected by waterways, canals, and walking/cycling routes to promote the use of active travel.

 offers a curated collection of 13 online maps, linking all 69 wards of Birmingham, so you can discover a local route to you, or explore a new part of the city!

, have also released 80 fantastic cycling maps of routes across the West Midlands, which you can access on the OS website.

Campaigns and sessions to get involved with...

International Walk to School month

October is International Walk to School Month! Pupils around the globe will be celebrating the benefits of walking and wheeling to school. Give the car a break this month, and use active and sustainable forms of travel for the school run.

Bikeability sessions over half term

The Active Wellbeing Society will be offering FREE sessions over half term at Calthorpe Park, Handsworth Park and and Kings Heath Park. These sessions will be running from Monday 30 October to Friday 3 November in the mornings and afternoons. Spaces are limited and booking is required.

Contact bikeability@theaws.org to book onto a session near you.

Have you ever thought about becoming a Bikeability instructor? If you live in Castle Vale and would like to give back to the area, Bikeability are offering free training to become an instructor,

Road Safety Week:

Sunday 19 to Saturday 25 November 2023

Take part in Road Safety Week 2023 and do something amazing to raise awareness of the dangers of excess or inappropriate speed. Help people understand why safe speeds are so vital for safe and healthy journeys. to receive a free Road Safety Week action pack, full of ideas and activities.

Have your say

Proposed speed limit reduction to 30mph: Birmingham area-wide scheme

BCC is to review all existing 40mph speed limits across the city, with the intention that almost all will be revoked, with these becoming 30mph. The scheme aims to reduce speeds, improve road safety, and encourage walking and cycling. Consultation is set to open on Thursday 5 October, and you can have your say on Birmingham BeHeard at .

Dates for the diary

- October

- 10 October

- Thursday 19 October

- 19 to 25 November

- 23 & 24 November 2023 

- from 2 November to 24 December

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